Bio-One of Fort Myers decontamination and biohazard cleaning services


When you call Bio-One Fort Myers or Fort Myers Hoarding, you will speak directly to one of the owners, Alex or Michelle. We answer the call 24/7/365 days a year. Whether you are calling for an emergency biohazard cleanup at your home or business or calling for help to clean up your clutter, all calls have something in common: You Are Overwhelmed.

Bio-One Fort Myers makes you, our number one priority. Many calls that we get the client is in tears that may stem from shock, embarrassment or just overwhelming anxiety. If you call us for a biohazard cleanup, we will get to your home quickly. We will be there for you to take care of the cleanup, so you can get back in your home to deal with your grief on your own home turf. Our goal is for you to get back into your home, so you can feel comfort from familiar surroundings and we can take one thing off your list that is causing you anxiety, the cleanup.

When a client calls for a clutter or hoarding cleanup, they are reaching out for help because again they are Overwhelmed. When they call, it is often a mixture of embarrassment and anxiety. We will never judge you. We are here to provide a helping hand, so you can get your home back on track.

Bio-One Fort Myers motto is “Help First, Business Second”. Let us help you get your home back in order so you no longer feel Overwhelmed.

Contact us directly:


Contact Bio-One Inc.